Sunday, July 31, 2011


Holaa!blog again, full in mood xoxo : ) today I plain to study at home,but mom g'rap' me for lunch with family. how can I miss this.. whatever, i already set the time to study, after 2 hours : D haha before I start my story, did somebody wan to take a look on my lens?? 

grey and brown. Anna said the grey look like damon's eyes and the brown looks like Tyler's eyes. haha! i make a awesome choice : )
look closer, the brown lens mix some red right? so it looks like werewolf : D hahaha 
we went to VM aka village mall for lunch, and we met Jobies and Vivian there. so sweet xoxo

we had our lunch at Edo Ichi, japanese restaurant . This is the first time I enter this restaurant, feel good and newww. Denise,Desmond, Anna, Baby Tris , Mom and Dad. Let's enter the food part, I need to rest early . tomorrow morning tuition 4 hours. science : D

 Nice 'ball' 

 I dint taste it

 Just for fun : )

 I dint taste it before. and no try

I love this pinky ball! taste sweet and cute! hahaha xD

dont think this is a milk tea, its a coffee! 

peace : )

so one question, do you have your own churpchurp? omg! you better sign up! it can help you solve your LV dreams : ) click ChurpChurp and sign up! I help you and you help me : ) let's earn together : ) xoxo  

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