Sunday, May 29, 2011

Eva Mendes: Husband and wife are unsexy words

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Eva Mendes believes the words husband and wife are unsexy.

The actress said she would prefer to have a boyfriend, as it sounds much more exciting.

Appearing on Chelsea Lately, she said: 'I actually think it's really sexy to be with someone in their 50s or 60s and be, like, 'That's my boyfriend'. But I think husband and wife are very unsexy words.”

But the 37-year-old added that although she thinks marriage has become impersonal, she still sees the romance behind forming a life-long partnership with someone.
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“There are all these wedding shows and it's so over the top; it's so not about what it should be about. I'm not, like, anti-marriage or the institution for other people. I love the idea of a union, that's very beautiful. I just don't think it should be a piece of paper because society tells me to. It's a very old-fashioned archaic kind of thing. We did it for land originally: how unromantic is that?'

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