Friday, September 2, 2011

Grandpa and Grandma's 50th wedding anniversary ♥

Good day people : ) have you feel happy today? Yes I am, its time for blog!! I cant believe holiday almost over : ( its mean I have to back to school and s t u d y.... Oh well! its okay :D  Back to topic --
Oh yea~ The first day of September is my grandparent's wedding anniversary, This year was 50th! Our whole families celebrate the day! We love our grandpa and grandma :') *hug hug* eww
pictures from that day, 

#dont blame on me, there's another camera shooting -.- This is the pretty Natalie~ and Me, Imma pig! :DD I love my dress so much!Isn't 'she' beautiful?? haha.. 

# Hey hey! Its me!! yerr..自恋 -.-

# :D 

# This is my beautiful sister, Ashley. She pretty right? supermodel !!

#This is shutter bug, not a supermodel. LMAO 

# Love this photo! ahaha! take by pro Anna : )

Maybe around 7pm, we reach an restaurant for celebrate! We invited our whole family for diner. Even some people I never met before -.- We're big big big family! 

# 'Hello hello : ) Natalie and Isabelle teke a look over here and say cheeseeee!! '

# Hey girls! Smile :D 
Isabelle, Jobies, Natalie, Annabelle and Ashley 
We're blogger!

# dress from Foever 21, 139$$ damn like it!

# Camwhoring! kinda blurr 

# Fruit cake! Grandma favorites! Hmm... Me dislike :p 

# sweet sweet love :D

# a big surprise from Grandpa! Grandma was surprised! look at she 

# Grandpa: Happy 50th wedding anniversary my wife
Grandma: thankyou my love 
written by Me :D 

# I love this photo the most! 

Okay, its time for us! We love this moment, camwhoring, have fun everywhere!! :D 

#Ha! I got married with my cousin :D shh... big bear will kill me.. I know you're watching :p

 # OMG! ahaha! how cute they're
ChengRui: will you marry me? I will love you forever. Do you?
Lerk: Oh my gosh, I....I........

#Lerk : fucking shit! You wan some of this! 

#love grandma :D where's grandpa??

Okay, this is it. For more picture, you have to wait Natalie upload. Have a nice day! Omg, Sunday coming..... ish! Again, Happy 50th wedding anniversary Grandpa and Grandma!! I love you!! I love my family!! 

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