Friday, August 19, 2011


like Jane said, a blogger must updated he/her blog twice per week. Hehe, i did it! say hello people! and morning!  I'm going to tell you guys about today :D I went to Chealle's house today. And took some photos, gonna upload now and keep viewing. Dont forget to click my Nuffnang ads please. :D thankyou

after a week is holiday, I should study at home or hangout with friend? I should stay at home... but I will miss my friends :( its okay, for my result, I should! : ) peace

I love to camwhoring, dont know why? I think 90% of  ladies like it, its a part of our life : ) This is memories

I start camwhoring when I was 11 years old, My sister and cousin teach me how to post, lol. kinda cute and 'Ewwwww' I can't find my old picture, I miss them. miss my silly face and ugly post. haaha!

Until now, I still can't forget camwhor in any minute, so I need a camera. I'm saving..... 

keep smiling, I know I can do it. peace again. ^.^v

Hihi! My name is Gucci, I love my younger mummy- Isabelle  She love me too :D My mummy love dog, dog is her life. Everyone knows : )

I like to lie on my mummy legs, its warm and safe. *aishe*  Isabelle said : its warm too, and fluffy :D
Mummy like to photoshoot with me too, say yea! 

Gucci: Imma monster!! argh!! xD 

I love this picture the most! and my nose seem like 'profound' haha! love Gucci. Facebook! ready for this photo! xoxo gucci

I'm bigger that before, Imma poodles : ) a toy poodles.


Now is some photos at Chealle's house,I love this effect : ) 


hihi! I'm anna, this is GD post! 

Hihi! It's Isabelle, this is Jane's post! teeheee

And some photos at daddy's car, hehe..

Rilakkuma's face and lips. haha

My new earphone : ) like 

Anna hello :-) 

Well this is it! thankyou for watching and please follow me : ) xoxo 

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