Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World 2011

Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World 2011
An intelligence agency is basically a governmental agency which is made for information gathering.There purpose is the national security and defense.The information they gather can be about espionage communication interception, crypt analysis cooperation with institutions and evaluation of public sources. An intelligence agency is a national power. These agencies normally work without the knowledge of public even their successes are not remembered by the people but their failure is always the HIGHLIGHTED news of the press,
 Well, here we have the list of top 10 intelligence agencies of the world and the ranking is based on their rate of success and taking care of the situations efficiently.
So, let us take a look!

10. CSIS, Canada
Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World 2011

It was created in 1984, it is made on the same pattern of CIA and MI6,which are civil agencies but connected to the military and police.

9. ASIS, Australia
Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World 2011
This agency was formed on 13th May,1952. Their annual budget is $162.5m AUD (2007). This agency is the Australian government intelligence agency which is responsible for collecting foreign intelligence.Its main purpose is the protection of country’s political and economic interests.

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