Saturday, May 7, 2011

Is Bin Laden Swimming with Fishes?

Yet a another reason, why you all should Love the Internet. After, when they killed 
Bin Laden and Dumped his ass Out into The Sea. The White House refused to release any Image/Picture or Video to the International Media as they said it was a great Danger/Security thread to them and there Nation.

So... No one is really Sure that, This was all a Drama or the Real Deal. 
But for what i know is that the Eggs have already been broken, let's just hope we get a pretty good Omelette out of it..! And that's where the Internet kicks in.

After, the OBL Event. Alot of good fake Photoshoped pictures have surfaced the internet. 

Here's One of them By Artifakts : 

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated…

Who lives in a Pineapple under the Under Sea...  Spongebob Squarepants Bin Laden!!!

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