Thursday, May 5, 2011

China Defends Pakistan

After The Bin Laden was killed by U.S. Navy SEALs at a three-story compound in the city of Abbottabad, about 40 miles north of Islamabad, Pakistan.  Alot of allegation were made on Pakistan.

Accusing them of being accomplices of the Terrorists. As they say that The Bin Laden wasn't hiding in some dank cave, He was in a fortified, newly built mansion, within a 10 minute walk of a Pakistani Military Academy where the best of Pakistan's officers are trained. An Blaming the people in the military and intelligence service that they were helping bin Laden avoid capture.

Giving the world the Impression that, We can no longer trust Pakistan as an ally.

But according to Webster Tarpley, a Investigative Journalist. These are false-flag terror operation that The US is trying to blame Pakistan for. Basically in reality these events are all organized by The US/NATO intelligences for which Pakistan will take the hit. It's all a setup. And CIA people say that The Next False Flag Terror Operation will be Blamed on Pakistan's ISI.
He also included that, The Chinese government has under stood this Immediately and have released a very strong Statement, Paraphrastically saying to the US

" If you mess with Islamabad, You'll be messing with Beijing. " 

China hailed on Tuesday the death of Osama bin Laden in a US. raid while showed no appetite, however, for turning the US. raid that killed Bin Laden on Pakistani soil into a point of dispute. Defending its regional partner Pakistan against accusations against the terror threats. 

The Chinese Spokeswoman, Jiang, made a point of standing by Pakistan, Beijing's closest partner in south Asia, which has faced criticism from U.S. lawmakers and others that the discovery of bin Laden hiding so close to Islamabad showed Pakistan had done too little to fight terror threats.

"Pakistan stands at the forefront of the international struggle against terrorism," Jiang told a regular news conference, after her initial statement on bin Laden had appeared.

"The Pakistani government's determination to fight terrorism is staunch and its actions have been vigorous. Pakistan has made important contributions to the international struggle against terror," she said.

"China will continue staunchly supporting Pakistan developing and implementing its own anti-terror strategy based on its own national conditions."

China and Pakistan call each other "all-weather friends" and their close ties have been underpinned by longstanding wariness of their common neighbor, India, and a desire to hedge against U.S. influence in the region.

Here Watch Webster Tarpley's Video :

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