Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Butterworth for Ipad2 ♥

Annyeonghaseyo♥(spelling right?) you all are waiting my Ipad2 post?? hahaha! and finally! I updated!!! hmmm......actually I forgot that day what happed already: ) forgive me, let check out picture for that day---

Ganjiong ing!! Anna use Ipad check facebook Switch

JieFu also ganjiong, use his Iphone 4 checking also.

Me? Camwhoring!!

everyone waiting outside, we are the maybe 50 or 51th. its okay larr, thank god we are not living in Kuala Lumpur, it can be 100 till 200++ people. haha

Cool huh~

opened! everybody line up!

what are she laughing for?? am I funny? well maybe.

 Hey hey! we are the 52th! cool!!

Sasa ready to open and I ready to shop-a-lot too.♥

too bored waiting at there and Im hungry too, donna have a lunch before I see the Ipad2♥♥♥
Food Street♥ always is my LOVE.

Oh my God! see what I found! ♥♥ Chealle love it so so much!

Our Ipad2 order list.♥

almost us.....

damn blurrr: (

an Ap Ap Ap Ap Apple Mac Mac Book!! 38 :S♥

yea,We got our Ipad2, Im so happy and I forgot to shoot the Ipad2. Anna not bad! she already shoot, check it

after that, we went to McDonald♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I love that cola glass! I wan!

Not bad, I got one!♥

so we back to Denise's house, this is the Taman lot 88 (cute name)

Okay okay, finish♥ Hmm....now I'm really not happy at all, something happed between us and I can't stop thinking about it.. and I just wan to say, Babies I really love you all♥ and seriously I can't live without you all :'( please forgive me. Next, my pimples! OMG! how come!!!! I hate it!! no! I 'love' it, damn ugly:'((( Za help me help me help memememe:'( okay times up! byebye, time for tuition:'( see ya♥ 

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