Monday, March 14, 2011


Oh my gosh. My family totally crazy. shhhhh!! Yesterday night My house become a small photostudio. My sister Ashley be the camera women, Twins, black and white bro will be the she take a lot of beautiful pic, and I choose some for update my blog. maybe you saw my twins sister blog before. but got some she dint post, let us check it out!
shit! my hair and eyebrow! F***
picture taken by Ash's Canon camera. I don't know what model. teehee. I love my sis's name ASHLEY, cool!  


Couzi Rui, super smart guy and only 16, Girls get some action. wan his facebook acc or email, do leave a message here. lol.

Opss! my breeches so ugly, so I edit it become black.
gosh! look at my pose, I dunno. clap for me.:p  Start from Rui,Me,Anna and my sunny couzi Lerk, same message. if  you wan his fb acc or email, do leave a message here. lol again! teeheee! 

couple pose, Lerk use the same pose cause he dunno how to make a more handsome pose. sorry


love it? almost.

Look at this baby Youth Jeinn. cute right? only 6. .... fine.

somebody take this when I was shooting, hey! I love it!! keep smile!

smart guys,owh! lerk only 15, same age as me!
Look at this pair of Twins! OMG! like it! .like.
Anna look so great!
He suddenly put my hair on her mouth, I was again

take by Anna, wah! I look like a...
 Done! but still got off shoot, lol!! we'r crazy!

Tomorrow start do my school folio,got a lot.
Good luck and bless me, I'm lazyy!
Good Night Guys! sweet dream!

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